The immortals

Mercury(Hermes)-the god of message
Veneus(Aphrodite)-the goddess of love
Demeter(Ceres)-the goddess of harvest
Athene(Minerva)-the goddess of wisdom
Jupiter(Zeus)-the Olympian
Uranus(Cronus)-the father of Zeus
Hades(Pluto)-lord of the underworld
Eris(Discordia)-the goddess of disord and strife
Ares(Mars)-the god of war
Hephoistos(Vulcan)-the god of smith
Eros(Cupid)-the primal god of love->Cupid and Psyche
Hera(Juno)-the wife to Zeus
Hestia(Vesta)-the virgin goddess of the health

Odysseus(Ulysses)-the hero of the Troyan War and the long suffering traveler in the Odyssey


Maniac—a kind of desire

1.      nymphomaniac(n.)花痴

2.      maniac(n.)瘋子 (adj.)狂亂的



*lien—抵押品 ; student loan—學生貸款

*Xerox—影印機  ; Xerox copy—影本


Thetis--Achilles' mother



1.      morgue(n.)  a building, or a room in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept to be examined or until buried

2.      mortician(n.) an undertaker

3.     mortgage(n.) an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization by offering something of value, esp. in order to buy a house or apartment, or the amount of money itself:

They took out a $90,000 mortgage to buy the house.



1.      xenophobia(n.) extreme dislike or fear of foreigners, their customs, their religions, etc.


 three virgin goddess--------- Artemi, Athena, and Hestia



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