目前分類:西概單字筆記 (14)

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ingenuity : skill or cleverness in devising or combining ; cleverness or aptness of design or contrivance
enchant : to influence by or as if by charms and incantation ; to attract and move deeply : rouse to ecstatic admirationenchanted her to the point of tears — Elinor Wylie>

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masterpiece : a work done with extraordinary skill; especially : a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement

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nakedness : not covered by clothing; devoid of customary or natural covering
detain: to hold or keep in or as if in custody <detained by the police for questioning>

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deceit : the act or practice of deceiving ;the quality of being deceitful
ornament: archaic : a useful accessory ;something that lends grace or beauty

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ark : a boat or ship held to resemble that in which Noah and his family were preserved from the Flood
fowl : a bird of any kind

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fundamental: serving as an original or generating source;serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function
parenthesis: an amplifying or explanatory word, phrase, or sentence inserted in a passage from which it is usually set off by punctuation;a remark or passage that departs from the theme of a discourse

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overthrow : to cause the downfall of
intellectual :  developed or chiefly guided by the intellect rather than by emotion or experience

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intensify :to increase the density and contrast of (a photographic image) by chemical treatment

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splendid :possessing or displaying splendor: asa : shining, brilliantb : marked by showy magnificence
civilization :
 the culture characteristic of a particular time or placea relatively high level of cultural and technological development; specifically : the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained

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oarsmen one who rows especially in a racing crew, noun.
The only oarsmen in a rowboat designed for two.

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millennium the thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20 during which holiness is to prevail an Christ is to reign on eartha period of great happiness or human perfection,noun.
deportationan act or instance of deportingthe removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial,noun.

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