

intensify :to increase the density and contrast of (a photographic image) by chemical treatment
imperial : of, relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor
profound : having intellectual depth and insight
predecessor  :one that precedes; especially : a person who has previously occupied a position or office to which another has succeeded
accompany  : to go with as an associate or companion
adaptability  : capable of being or becoming adapted 

versatility  :the quality or state of being versatile 
senatorial  :of, relating to, or befitting a senator or a senate

conservatism the principles and policies of a Conservative party; the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change

stimulus  : something that rouses or incites to activity
The pay raise was a stimulus for production.
literature   :the production of literary work especially as an occupation
assume  :to take up or in; to take into partnership, employment, or use

furtively :expressive of stealth; done by stealth.
indebtedness  : something (as an amount of money) that is owed
institution  : a significant practice, relationship, or organization in a society or culture ; also :something or someone firmly associated with a place or thing
inexorably not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped 

wholesale 批發 :the sale of commodities in quantity usually for resale (as by a retail merchant)
drift the act of driving something along
autocracy  government in which one person possesses unlimited power
epic  : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an epic epic poem>;extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope 
intriguea secret scheme ;the practice of engaging in secret schemes

arrangement   : something made by arranging parts or things together 
immense marked by greatness especially in size or degree; especially: transcending ordinary means of measurement
disturbance : a local variation from the average or normal wind conditions
flagrant conspicuously offensive <flagrant errors>especially : so obviously inconsistent with what is right or proper as to appear to be a flouting of law or morality <flagrant violations of human rights> 

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