nakedness : not covered by clothing; devoid of customary or natural covering
detain: to hold or keep in or as if in custody <detained by the police for questioning>
presence : the part of space within one's immediate vicinity
Example : T
he orchestra's musical director has a very stately presence.
servant: one that serves others servant>; especially : one that performs duties about the person or home of a master or personal employer
provision : the act or process of providing;the fact or state of being prepared beforehand
famine : an extreme scarcity of food
fruitful : abundantly productive
fruitful discussion>

chariot : a two-wheeled horse-drawn battle car of ancient times used also in processions and races
affliction : the cause of persistent pain or distress
linen : made of flax

distress: seizure and detention of the goods of another as pledge or to obtain satisfaction of a claim by the sale of the goods seized
dumbfounded: to confound briefly and usually with astonishment
provender: dry food for domestic animals
overseer : supervisor, superintendent
hardship: something that causes or entails suffering or privation
befall : to happen especially as if by fate
viceroy: the governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of a king or sovereign
tarry: to delay or be tardy in acting or doing
kindred: one's relatives; a group of related individuals; family relationship
pistachio: a small Asian tree  of the cashew family whose drupaceous fruit contains a greenish edible seed; also: its seed
encampment : the place where a group (as a body of troops) is; the act of encamping : the state of being encamped
balm: a balsamic resin; especially : one from small tropical evergreen trees
bereave : to deprive of something —usually used with of bereft me of all words — Shakespeare>; to take away (a valued or necessary possession) especially by force
ews of a death in the family bereaved them of the unmitigated joy that normally prevails at a wedding.
abhorrent : archaic : strongly opposed ;feeling or showing abhorrence
bundle : a group of things fastened together for convenient handling


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