incalculable : not capable of being calculated
rot : to undergo decomposition from the action of bacteria or fungi ; to become unsound or weak (as from use or chemical action)
feast: an elaborate and usually abundant meal often accompanied by a ceremony or entertainment
clash : a noisy usually metallic sound of collision
ransom : a consideration paid or demanded for the release of someone or something from captivity
sacral : of, relating to, or lying near the sacrum sacral region of the spinal cord>
troop : a group of soldiers ; a cavalry unit corresponding to an infantry company
tent: a collapsible shelter of fabric (as nylon or canvas) stretched and sustained by poles and used for camping outdoors or as a temporary building
awestruck : filled with awe
arrogance : an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions
well-timed: happening at an opportune moment
sheath: a case for a blade (as of a knife) ; an investing cover or case of a plant or animal body or body part
buckle : a fastening for two loose ends that is attached to one and holds the other by a catch
scepter: a staff or baton borne by a sovereign as an emblem of authority
council : an assembly or meeting for consultation, advice, or discussion ; a group elected or appointed as an advisory or legislative body
bulwark: a solid wall-like structure raised for defense
spearman: a person armed with a spear
purification : the act or an instance of purifying or of being purified
barren : not reproducing ; not productive
swirl : to move with an eddying or whirling motion <swirling water>
spiteful : filled with or showing spite
summon : to issue a call to convene ; to command by service of a summons to appear in court
murky : characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke
beachhead: an area on a hostile shore occupied to secure further landing of troops and supplies
hulking : ponderous, massive hulking wrestler>


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