acropolis 衛城àthe Athena acropolis

Temple Apollo 理性

Temple Dionysus 感性


Metropolitan (adj.) of or in a large city:

the Boston metropolitan area

the Metropolitan Museum of Art


*study for question

Discuss the role of hubris, or pride, that comes before the death of Agamemnon.

An answer to this question should focus on the speeches of the Chorus when they discuss the dangers of being too successful in life: "the gods fail not to mark / those who have killed many . . . and the vaunt of high glory / is bitterness; for God's thunderbolts / crash on the towering mountains." The scene in which Clytemnestra induces her husband to trod on the purple robes strewn in his path--the principal symbolic act of hubris, an act that foreshadows his death—is also very important. In analyzing these sections of the text, a knowledge of the Greek religious imagination is necessary. The Greek gods were all-too-human in their jealousies, and rather than reward human greatness, they tended to see mortal achievement as a threat to their own power. Therefore, when any human rose too high (like Agamemnon in this play), he risked being singled out for divine chastisement.

fateà moira

catharsis 淨化à emotional cleansing—pity and fear (.780)

trailer(n.) an advertisement for a movie, often showing a few, brief parts of it

a series actionsà plot

*show me some hubris (Up in the Air)

mimesis 擬態, catharsis, plot


*Foreshadowingà p.612 fear, blind, misery, pity



1.      Magnitude(n.) 巨大.重大.重要性

2.      magnificent 極好的

3.      magnify (v.) 放大.擴大


embellish (v.) to make something more beautiful or interesting by additions or details:

Many early building entrances were richly embellished.

If you embellish a story or statement, you add details that are not completely true in order to make it more interesting:

He couldn’t resist embellishing his account of the African safari.

Healerà Apollo  (p.612)


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